Who Is This For: Managers
Where Will This Solution Be Located: Under the Employee Change Request/My Work Details tab within Sage People Portal.
When Does This Solution Apply: A Manager is wanting/needing to change or request information for a Team Member.
Description: This article is a guide for managers to complete and submit an HR change request regarding a salary change within Sage People.
If you have questions regarding this guide or the Sage People portal, please contact the Sage People support team at 314-655-9333.
1. Getting to "Salary Change Only" change request
2. The one-up manager will get an email about the request with the details.a. At the main Workforce eXperience page, on the right hand side there will be a "Team Members" tab that can drop down to show your manager, direct reports, and colleagues.
b. Select on the employee (direct report) that you would like to submit a HR request. It will default to the "My Details" tab. Under the "My Work Details tab will be an option for "Employee Change Request". This is the HR Request.
c. Next will be a page that will show any pending, approved, finalized, and rejected requests you have previously submitted. Select on "New".
d. Choosing "Salary Change Only" and an "Effective Date" will provide an error message indicating the required fields: Salary Change Reason and Salary Amount. You can add comments and/or attachments and select "Save" one completed.
NOTE: In the “Salary Amount” field, you can either choose the amount or percentage and it will automatically convert. No commas needed.
e. Once the change request has been submitted, you will be redirected to the employee change request page showing the change is in the "Pending" stage.
a. As the one-up manager, not the employee, you will log into your WX to see the change request. Use the
"Action" icon on the top right-hand side to see any pending employee change requests.
b. It will open all the details/comments that was put in by the manager. At this time, you can either accept or reject as well as add any additional comments.
c. Once approved, it will need final HR approval. An email will be sent to the manager stating the process has been finalized.