Sending Resumes to Other Hiring Managers via Sage People
Sending a Resume via Sage People
If you run into a resume that you think would be fitting for another open position, you now have the option to send the candidate’s resume to that open position’s hiring manager via Sage. To do this, first navigate to your hiring manager portal by selecting the ‘Talent Acquisition’ tab, and then selecting ‘Hiring Manager Portal’.
Once on the hiring manager portal, select the small ‘+’ button next to the open position that contains the resume you would like to send.
Select the checkbox next to the application that has the resume, then select the button at the top right labeled ‘Email Resumes’.
On this page, check the ‘Include all attachments’ checkbox. Type the user’s name into the ‘To’ box, where it should search Sage People for the users name. Select the name and then select the ‘Add’ button to add them to the recipients’ list. Then, enter in a subject in the ‘Subject’ box. You may also change the ‘Covering Message’ field to change the body of the email to whatever you would like. When all of this information is filled, you may select ‘Send’, and the email will be sent to all recipients in your list.
The recipient will receive the email to their work inbox, where they can now use the resume you’ve provided in their job search!