HR and Payroll Information Tab

Navigating to the HR and Payroll Information Tab

To get to the HR and Payroll Information Tab, first log into your Sage People portal.  Select the HR and Payroll Information Tab. 

Policies and Procedures

The Policies and Procedures tab will contain all policies for your company.  On the HR and Payroll Information Tab, select the Policies and Procedures tile.


Here you can view things such as the employee handbook for your company, your company’s drug policy, and your company’s cell phone policy.

Select the picture of the item that you would like to open, and you’ll be routed to a pdf.


Forms and Documents

Forms and Documents will contain any forms that are required to be filled for a specific purpose. To use the tab, select the Forms and Documents tile.


Things like CDL applications, your I9, and your annual physical agreement will be housed here. Select the picture of the item that you would like to open, and you’ll be routed to a pdf.


HR and Payroll Training and Support Materials


Things like LMS videos for HR training will be housed here. Select the picture of the item that you would like to open, and you’ll be routed to the appropriate materials.