Overview: This article outlines the process of creating a new quote within Salesforce CPQ. Salesforce Opportunities can have many quotes associated to them, but only the Quote Marked as Primary can sync its amount to the opportunity.  

  1. Navigate to Opportunity Record
  2. Select "New Quote" Button
  3. Review the below fields and select Save
    1. Start Date (can be left as date quoted)
    2. Subscription term (for subscription based products, otherwise leave at 12)
    3. Primary (ensure it is checked; if checked, the amount of the quote will sync to the quote)
    4. Quote Line View (can be left as default unless FIT or Managed Service quote)
  4. Once Saved, Navigate to the newly created quote
  5. Select Add Products Button
  6. On Product Selection screen, select Solution/Group and hit "Select" button
  7. On product selection screen, select products that you would like to include on quote. Once Complete, select Save
  8. On Edit Quote screen, make any modifications to price/quantity and select Save to be directed back to the Quote Screen
  9. On back on Quote record, select "Submit for Approval" button to route the quote to the appropriate approver. You can track the status by looking at the "Next Steps" quote field
  10. Once Approved, select "Generate Document" and select appropriate Template. From this screen you can either preview or generate the document. Generating the document attaches it to the quote record