Overview: This article outlines the process of applying discounts to products associated to a Quote within Salesforce CPQ. 

  1. Once Quote is created, select "Add Products" button to navigate to the product selection screen
  2. Select Division/Solution the Quote is for. The Product list is grouped by Division/Solution.
  3. Hit "Select" to be directed to the production selection screen for the selected Division
  4. Browse through the product list and apply a checkmark to the products you'd like to select. The products are further grouped by feature so you may have to scroll through the sections and tabs.
  5. Once you have selected all the appropriate products, select the Save button to be navigated to the Quote Edit Screen 
  6. The Quote Edit Screen shows you all selected products in a grid format. If you forgot any products in your select, select the wrench icon to reconfigure your line

  7. Within the Edit Quote Screen, you can edit the quantity and price of a line. CPQ allows you to discount items in 4 ways:
    1. % = Percentage off the unit price
    2. USD = flat dollar amount off the unit price
    3. Unit = if you want to override the unit price
    4. Total = if you want the total line amount to be a certain dollar figure
  8. After inputting a dollar amount, select the "Calculate" button to see your changes.
  9. If you're discount has exceeded the discount threshold, you will be notified via the "Approval" field with a note of the threshold
  10. Once finished, Select Save to be navigated back to the Quote Screen