Employer Federal I-9: LKC New Hire Portal

LKC New Hire Portal

Employer Federal I-9

Purpose: The purpose of this document is to give Hiring Managers or Supervisors an overview of the LKC New Hire Portal and guide you with instructions to walk a new hire through the on-boarding process.

About LKC New Hire Portal: This website is created for Keeley new hires and Managers to easily walk through and complete the onboarding forms within the LKC New Hire Portal. Once completed, the information will be sent into our HR System, Sage People and then will transfer into our Accounting System, Sage 300 CRE.

Who is this for: Hiring Managers and Supervisors

PLEASE NOTE: Any questions pertaining to how to complete the forms in the LKC New Hire Portal should be directed to the Payroll and HR Teams.


After the employee clicks Next on the Employee Federal I-9 screen they are brought to the Employer Federal I-9 screen. At this point the employee should hand the device to the Hiring Manager or their Supervisor to complete. 

  • Ensure the documents the employee gave you are not expired
  • The employee needs one document from List A OR a combination of one document from List B and one document from List C

  • Select Column A or Columns B & C based on which ID or Documents the employee handed you to complete their onboarding. 
    1. Select Colum A and you will see which documents are in the column
    2. Select Column B and C and you will see which documents are in those columns
  • Click Next and you will be redirected to Section 2 of the Employer Federal I-9

Section 2. Employer or Authorized Representative Review and Verification

If you selected from Column A:

  • Enter the document title in Document Title 1
  • Enter the Issuing Authority 1 
  • Enter the Expiration Date 1
  • If they presented you with more documents from Column A enter them in the fields below
  • Enter the Employee’s first date of employment with formatting of (mm/dd/yyyy)
  • Employer’s signature, Title, Last Name, and First Name is required

If you selected from Column B:

  • List B – Identity
    1. Enter Document Title
    2. Enter Issuing Authority
    3. Enter Document Number
    4. Enter Expiration Date
  • List C – Employment Authorization
    1. Document Title
    2. Issuing Authority
    3. Document Number
    4. Expiration Date
  • Employer Signature,  Title, Last Name & First Name are required. 
  • Click Next to continue 

A window pop’s up for Manager Verification

  • Manager enters the last four digits of their Social Security Number and clicks Submit
    1. You will not be able to move forward if you have more or less than four digits

  • After clicking submit you will be taken to the Onboarding Screen