Purpose: The purpose of this document is to instruct the Field Technicians how to complete and create a Service Report using the FSL mobile app. 

About Field Service (FSL): Field Service Lightning (FSL) is Salesforce’s field service solution. It is an onsite job management platform with real-time collaboration capabilities. FSL allows L. Keeley to automatically manage Field Technicians by streamlining both the customer and employee experiences.

Who is this for: LKC Field Technicians

*Note:  Before you complete and create a service report you will need to have already completed the work, updated the Service Appointment to completed and filled out the Resolution Outcome and Resolution Notes. 

  • Here are details on how to do all of that within the Field Service app.  you are ready to complete and create a Service Report. 

Instructions for Completing and Creating a Service Report in the FSL App

1.Navigate to your Service Appointment in the FSL App

2. Click on the Actions tab at the bottom of your screen

3. Scroll down and click on "Complete Service Report". 

4. Hand your device to the location/site Manager and have them complete the questionnaire. Once completed click "Save" in the top right of your screen. 


5. On the Service Appointment click on the "Actions" tab at the bottom of your screen. 

6. Select "Create Service Report"

7. Select "Get Signatures"


 8. Select "Get Signature - Manager" 

9. Select "Sign & Confirm" on Manager screen


10. Have the Manager Sign and select "Save"


11. Select "Get Signature - Contractor"

12. Select "Sign & Confirm" on Contractor screen


13. Fill in your name and sign below and click "Save"


14. Select "Generate Service Report". On the Service Report screen it will say "Generating report..." until the Service Report is ready. 

15. Once the Service Report has been generated click on the Service Report. 

  • This will show you a preview of the Service Report


16. To view the full Service Report select the PDF icon on the top right. 

  • You will see the questionnaire and signatures pull into the Service Report. 


17. If you need to send the Service Report to someone click the send icon in the top right of your screen and you will have the options to send below.