Purpose: The purpose of this solution is to provide knowledge for users on the Admin Features for User Sync or syncing a new client.  

About i404: This website is created for users to easily access the new i404 site.

Who is This For: This article is meant for i404 Admin users

Accessing i404: https://kcos.i-404.com/

1. Go to i404

2. Click on your silhouette, hover over the Admin dropdown and then select "User Sync."

Click on your silhouette, hover over the Admin dropdown and then select "User Sync."

3. The information section provides details to setting up a new user as well as instructions on how to do so.

The information section provides details to setting up a new user as well as instructions on how to do so.

4. In the Add/Edit Client info users need to select "Load Saved Info" as well as provide a Name, Tenant Id, Client Id, and Secret.

In the Add/Edit Client info users need to select "Load Saved Info" as well as provide a Name, Tenant Id, Client Id, and Secret.

5. Next Users must select active and if they are an Azure SSO Client. Then you can either save the information or validate and save the updated or new client information.

Next Users must select active and if they are an Azure SSO Client. Then you can either save the information or validate and save the updated or new client information.

6. Click on Sync Now. This will provide a dropdown where your client name should appear to be selected. Once you select the client name then select sync now.

Click on Sync Now. This will provide a dropdown where your client name should appear to be selected. Once you select the client name then select sync now.

7. Under scheduled sync, the admin can select their client, provide a client name, and schedule the CRON expression. The user can use this in combination with the Azure client to sync changes to the hierarchy into their system.  To ensure the scheduled sync is active check the active box and then select save.

Under scheduled sync, the admin can select their client, provide a client name, and schedule the CRON expression. To ensure the scheduled sync is active check the active box and then select save.

8. The job history will show all the previous jobs that have been run. The jobs will be displayed by a dropdown box and these jobs can be selected.

The job history will show all the previous jobs that have been run. The jobs will be displayed by a dropdown box and these jobs can be selected.

This workflow was created with Tango.