If the Zscaler Client is installed and not authenticated correctly then it will block the users from being able to get to the resources need to do their job. Here are the steps to verify the users is authenticated and that the Zscaler client is running in a proper authenticated state.
- In the task bar locate the Zscaler icon.
- Click on the Zscaler icon and select "Open Zscaler"
- On the Private Access tab of the Zscaler client be sure service status says "ON" and Authentication Status say "Authenticated". If status says "Authentication Required" click the "Authenticate" link.
- On the Internet security tab of the Zscaler client be sure the Service Status says "On". Turn on is status is showing off by clicking the "Turn on" link.
- On the Digital Experience tab of the Zscaler client be sure the services status says "ON" and authentication status says "Authenticated".